Kokoro London Dry Gin 700ml
This is a Japanese inspired London Dry Gin distilled with eight botanicals and fresh sansho berries, imported from sustainable sources in the Afan Woodland of Nagano prefecture, Japan.
Sansho berries are used extensively in Japanese cuisine and have distinctly earthy black pepper flavour with a piney citrus aftertaste. Close your eyes and think of the forest – that’s where our heart is.
Sweet though peppery juniper, leading to subtle spice and citrus-y notes.
Zesty orange, piney juniper and mild black pepper finish.
Sweet orange zest, piney juniper, cracked pepper, coriander & faint liquorice.
Piney juniper, zesty citrus, berry fruits and black pepper nose.
Alcohol: 42%
Packing: 6 x 700ml
For enquiry kindly contact us on our LINE page.
Estimated Delivery:Feb 27 - Mar 03
Free Shipping: On all orders over NTD3000