Nordés Atlantic Galicia Gin 1L
NORDÉS is a gin crafted using a slow, painstaking process. A careful selection of the best neutral alcohol, together with the use of the Galician white Albariño grape, are the vital basis of our gin, making Nordés unmistakably fresh and smooth to taste.
PRODUCTION: Distilled from Galician white Albariño grapes, enhanced with eleven natural botanicals. These include six botanicals found in the wild in Galicia - sage, lemon verbena, bay leaf, peppermint, eucalyptus and salicornia, a type of seaweed - that give the product its particularly surprisingly fresh, aromatic taste. It also includes juniper, cardamom, ginger, hibiscus and black Ceylon tea.
Appearance: transparent.
Nose: an aromatic gin, it shows delicate notes of white fruit in harmony with resinous notes of mint, eucalyptus and bay, accompanied by a subtle hint of juniper.
Palate: Fresh and fruity, with back notes of juniper and bay.
Alcohol: 40%
Packing: 6 x 1L
For enquiry kindly contact us on our LINE page.
Estimated Delivery:Dec 31 - Jan 04
Free Shipping: On all orders over NTD3000